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How To Work Your Window Air Conditioner — A Guide For Tenants [English & Spanish]

Operating Window/Wall Air Conditioners

Window and wall air conditioners are not the same as central air conditioners. To ensure you get the best performance from your A/C, we advise that you turn it on in the morning.

Your A/C has a thermostat that will detect the temperature in the room. When the unit reaches the temperature you set it to, it will shut off. When the room gets warmer the thermostat will detect that change and will turn on by itself.

The vent should be closed at all times and should only be open when using the fan mode, to bring in outside air. Having your vent open while operating the A/C will make your unit work harder and it will cost you more money to run.

When turning on your A/C, make sure you set it to 76 degrees and no lower than 72. This will not only will save you money, but it will allow your A/C to work properly.

Check your filter every other week for better performance. If you turn your A/C on when the day’s heat is at its peak, it will take time to get the desired cooling effect, and will use much more energy.

Following these easy instructions will save you money, and better performance from your A/C.

Como operar su aire de ventana o pared

Los Aires de ventana o pared no son iguales a los centrales. Para asegurarse de que su Aire acondicionado este funcionando bien, le recomendamos que lo use de la siguiente manera. Encienda su aire por la mañana y pongalo entre 76 y no menos de 72 grados. Su aire tiene un termostato que detecta la temperatura que usted a elejido, y cuando llegue a esa temperatura el aire se apagara solo. Cuando el termostato detecte que la temperatura este subiendo el compressor se volvera a encender. El vent del aire siempre tiene que estar cerrado y solo debe de abrirse cuando lo use en la posicion FAN. Tambien es recommendable limpiar el filtro al aire 2 veces por mes, si es usado constantemete. Recuerde que encender su aire, cuando el calor del dia esta en su apogeo no es recomendado, porque el aire tardara mas en enfriar su departamento Si usted sigue estas simples instrucciones su aire le ahorrara dinero y funcionara mejor.