If you need a large air conditioner to help you get through the rest of the summer, with heating options that can help you endure a cold winter, than look no further than the Black and Decker 18,000 BTU with the model number of BWH18A. The air conditioner includes 3 fan speeds in order to meets your needs. The unit offers both cooling and heating flexibilities too. This includes a programmable 24 hour timer to help meet your needs regardless of what temperature you need.

The unit also offers an energy saver mode that shuts the compressor off when the desired temperature is met, limiting excess runtime and reducing energy costs effectively. The Black and Decker 18,000 BTU includes a digital time/temperature display that is easy to read. It is located the front of the unit, so you can read the display and use the remote control to make adjustments from the other side of the room.
This unit can cover a big room or area and is easy to install. Contact us for more information about the BWH18A. While the heat is still intense, it is a great time to buy an air conditioner and this is just one of our many units offered at great prices.
Santa Monica Showroom/Warehouse: 310-450-8585 or TOLL-FREE: 855-28-FEDER North Hollywood Showroom/Warehouse: 818-769-8000 or TOLL-FREE: 866-FEDERS-0
North Hollywood Warehouse: 818-982-3300