How About A $3,349.00 Stainless Steel KitchenAid Refrigerator For $1,380.00?

Save almost $2,000 on a brand-new Energy Star qualified side-by-side stainless steel refrigerator at Feder’s Outlet!

List Price for this KitchenAid refrigerator is $3,349.00.

Cutout Width: 36″, Height to top of cabinet: 71½”, Depth with door open at 90°: 45½”, Cutout depth: 24½”, Cutout height: 72 1/8″

Features: ExtendFresh™ Plus Temperature Management System ensures ingredients remain fresh for maximum taste and texture, AquaSense™ Base-Grille Filtration System – filtered by PuR® – reduces water impurities and saves storage space, Automatic ice maker ensures a constant supply of ice on hand at all times, Automatic ice maker ensures a constant supply of ice on hand at all times, The advanced electronic through-the-door ice & water dispenser with Quick-Fill provides fast, easy access,

Capacity: Refrigerator: 14.9 CuFt, Freezer: 9.6 CuFt, Total: 24.5 CuFt

Feder’s Outlet Price: $1,680.00 [Purchase now]

Save an additional $300.00 when you apply for the California Cash For Appliances rebate: $200.00 and Department of Water and Power rebate: $100.00 (Edison rebate is $50.00).

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