With Or Without Cash For Appliances, It’s STILL A Great Time To Buy Appliances!

If you’ve been in the market recently for any major product, you’ve realized prices haven’t dropped significantly in the past few years.  I mean, there really aren’t too many great deals on cars or kitchen appliances.  Right?

Well, not really.  As I’m sure you know by now, there’s a cash incentive when you dispose of your environmentally unfriendly refrigerator that you’ve owned for 20 years.  In fact, there’s a cash incentive when you dispose of your clothes washer and your room air conditioner as well.  Up to $350.00 in incentives in fact.

But the problem is, you have to purchase a new one on their short list of acceptable models.  Most are extremely expensive.

For example, if you’re in the market for a new refrigerator, take this Whirlpool model.  As you can see, it’s #1 Rated Side-by-Side Refrigerator by a leading consumer magazine.  25.6 Cubic Feet, stainless steel and beautiful!  It’s sale price is $1,799.00!  So, if you do the math, you’d receive $200.00 back from the State of California for the Cash For Appliances Program and another $50.00 to $65.00 from your local utility company.

You’ll be saving the Earth and saving up to 75% of what your existing 20 year old refrigerator is guzzling.

I think the program is great.  But not really for the rebates.  I think it’s really a great program due to the buzz it’s been creating.  I love it!  And, we’ve been reaping the fruits of it.  Although, I’m happy to sell a fridge for $1,799.00, and getting you your extra $265.00 back in rebates, I’d much prefer to sell you this refrigerator! Or this refrigerator!

Why spend $1,534.00, for a 25 cubic foot refrigerator, when you can get a very similar refrigerator for only $850 and some change? You may not get $200 back from the government or up to $65 back from your utility company, but you’d get about $950.00 in savings!  And this refrigerator and this refrigerator is also an energy star model, so you’d still be saving the environment and yourself up to about 75% of the energy your existing refrigerator is currently guzzling!

I think it’s a no-brainer!

So if you’re in the market for a new refrigerator, clothes washer, room air conditioner, or really any other kitchen or home appliance,  come on by, or visit us here.  Now is the perfect time to buy even if not for the great cash incentives of the Cash For Appliance Program!

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